Certificate in Web Application (Online)

Get the shortest approach for website and web app development within 4 months


  This Specialization is for anyone who already has or doesn't understand responsive web design using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS and wants to learn how to construct web applications. This course will provide you with an overview of web application development. You'll create web and database apps in PHP, with SQL for database development and JavaScript capabilities.  

HTML5 - Overview, Basic Tags, Elements, Attributes, Formatting, Phrase Tags, Meta Tags, Comments, Images, Tables, Lists, Text Links, Image Links, Email Links, Frames, Iframes, Blocks, Backgrounds, Colors, Fonts, Forms, Embed Multimedia, Marquees, Header, Style Sheet.

CSS 3 - Introduction, Syntax, Inclusion, Measurement Units, Colors, Backgrounds, Fonts, Text, Images, Links, Tables, Borders, Margins, Lists, Padding, Cursors, Outlines, Dimension, Scrollbars.

BootStrap – Overview, Environment Setup, Grid System, CSS Overview, Typography, Code, Tables, Forms, Buttons, Images, Helper Classes, Responsive utilities, Glyphicons, Dropdowns, Button Groups, etc.

JavaScript - Overview, Syntax, Enabling, Placement, Variables, Operators, If...Else, Switch Case, While Loop, For Loop, For...in, Loop Control.

JQuery - Overview, Basics, Selectors, Attributes, Traversing, CSS, DOM, Events, AJAX, Effects, Interactions, Widgets, Theming.

WordPress - WordPress Basics - Home, Overview, Installation, Dashboard etc.

Database Management with MYSQL - Database Management, Normalizations Techniques, MYSQL Server, connecting to and Disconnecting from the Server, Entering Queries, Creating and Using a Database, Creating and Selecting a Database, creating a Table, Loading Data into a Table, Retrieving Information from a Table, Selecting All Data, etc.

JavaScript Part II - Functions, Events, Cookies, Page Redirect, Dialog Boxes, Void Keyword, Page Printing, JavaScript Objects - Objects, Number, Boolean, Strings, Arrays, Date, Math, RegExp, HTML DOM etc.

PHP Core - Environment Setup, Syntax Overview, Variable Types, Constants, Operator Types, Decision Making, Loop Types, Arrays, Strings, Web Concepts, GET & POST, File Inclusion, Files & I/O, Functions, etc.


Online hosting - at the beginning of the course each student will be given a unique domain name that he/she will be using for the entire training. Members will get access to a shared hosting platform for them to upload their files during and after the training. This will enable members to gain knowledge on how to upload their own files after the training.

What will participants gain?

By the end of the training, participants should be able to perform the following without any support

1. Website design

2. Database systems

3. Web applications

4. Understand the principles of web applications


Other benefits

1. Certificate of completion

2. One free domain name for 1 year

3. One free hosting/server for 1 year

4. All participants can visit any of our offices for further discussion or for a face-to-face explanation of certain topics, NOTE: participants should book an appointment with Tutor first before going to any of our offices.

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Duration 4 Months
1st Jan. 2023 - 30th April 2023
ELIGIBILITY: Anyone interested in programming or building websites and web applications,
COURSE FEE: ₵750.00
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